KuruKuru Pittan
Just arrange the same chess pieces for each row.
- Beginner Mode
Only white pieces are used in this mode.
Align from the top.
- Expert Mode
Two color pieces, white and black, are used in this mode. White pieces should be placed in the white squares and black pieces should be placed in the black squares.
When you click , the four pieces around it rotate clockwise.
Each rotation of pieces consumes one KuruKuru, and when KuruKuru run out, Bonus decreases. When Bonus also runs out, the game is over.
KuruKuru is given in the same number as Stage, and Bonus is slightly increased when a Stage is completed. The extra Bonus can be carried over to the next Stage.
If the placement of the pieces gets messed up, you can start over from the initial state of the Stage. If you try again, KuruKuru will return to the original number, but Bonus will consume 1.