Set in 1950's Russia after a cataclysmic radiation blast, Laboratoriya is an episodic 2D visual adventure game that follows Olga, a victim of experimental torture. Aid Olga and challenge your mind by overcoming numerous puzzles and obstacles, as she seeks a means of escape from the lab of the evil scientist, Koslov.
Make connections to lovable characters and find yourself immersed in the contrasting world of Laboratoriya; from the unadulterated environment of the lab, to the beautiful yet catastrophic scenery of post-apocalyptic Slevig.
How to PlayWith point and click mechanics, relax and enjoy the story, as you decide the fate of Olga through dialog options and the completion of varying puzzles.
ControlsLeft click = interact, cycle through text & navigate menus
Space = cycle through text
W = move up
S = move down
D = move right
A = move left