Lakeshore Campgrounds
Ever get tired of the hustle and bustle of city life? Could you use a relaxing getaway where you live off the land? Well, have I got good news for you!
In Lakeshore Campgrounds you play as a rookie park ranger in charge of maintaining and improving various campsites around Lakeshore Park. Though you start off wet-behind-the-ears, you'll slowly grow and improve your skills at woodworking, mining, forging, and more to bring new life (and money $) to the area. Attract guests, explore the great outdoors, and shape the future of Lakeshore one step at a time.
Controls- WASD - move
- E - interact
- Space Bar / Left Mouse Button - Use current item
- Num keys / Scroll Wheel - Change current item
- C - Crafting Menu
- I - Inventory Menu
- N - Notes Menu
- U - Open Upgrade Schematic
- Esc - Game menu
While things may seem well underway for the project, this is still just a prototype for what I ultimately want to work towards. A pre-pre-alpha version so to speak.
Many core concepts here like resource gathering, crafting, and building things on the world-grid I would like to carry over into a more fleshed-out version of the game, but I first wanted to try and build a quick and dirty version of things to start getting feedback. Some things are missing, like music, (enjoyable) sound effects, game saves, etc, but I believe in constant iteration & tweaking and so I want to introduce player feedback into my game dev process as early as possible. I would love it if you could give this early prototype a play, and let me know what you think here
Let me know what you think so far by filling out this short feedback form linked below!
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If you'd like to go into the prototype blind feel free to skip this section.
The purpose of this build is to fix a broken-down bridge as part of your application to become a Lakeshore Park Ranger. In order to do so, you'll need to gather and craft some building material:
- wood logs - for the bridge stakes
- wood planks - to walk on
- rope - ties everything together
To gather different material, the player has to interact with various world items, namely trees and cattail plants for this prototype. In order to get wood logs, the player must use their axe to chop down trees, and interact with cattails to collect fiber. Wood planks can be crafted from wood logs, and rope can be crafted from fiber.
Once all the material is collected, players can go to the bridge and open the upgrade schematic to contribute building materials to the upgrade! Once the bridge is upgraded, the player has completed the task of the prototype and is free to further explore the area and collect/craft a few more items in the game so far.
Let me know what you think so far by filling out this short feedback form linked below!
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