Average Playtime: 1 hour

Last Anime boy: Saving loli

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2088 year. As it turned out, the future is not that bright. Nazi Muslims came to power. In the world, everything was banned: LGBT community, miniskirts, free parking, and most importantly banned ANIME.

You and your magazines with Hentai were hiding in the mountains of Tibet. But the Nazis found you and threw you in jail, and also hid the illegal reading.
There you will find out that all the Anime boys were executed, and the loli were sent to the harem. You're the last Anime boy. Get out of prison, find all your magazines with Hentai and save the loli from the harem of the terrible Nazi Muslims.


- The ability to shoot Nazi Muslims;
- Save all the loli from the harem !;
- Collect your own collection of Hentai;
- 8-bit music accompaniment;
- Become the last Anime boy and save your heritage!
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows Xp
  • Processor: Athlon
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Graphics: Compatible with DirectX 9
  • Storage: 250 MB available space
  • Additional Notes: Keyboard, mouse
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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Last Anime boy: Saving loli reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
From The cannon shoot, Mumakov Kill, Bydlanov from the Pados Vyhonyyu, Spades cut, Bald Chase, Loli Save, Stereotypes Lamai! I have Nothing against the graphics or stylistics of the game, but the "Loli" here is a wee * a. It was impossible to find a pixel art and load it into the game? On account of the charts of the beginning of the nineties have nothing against, it is better than any PARASHNYJ 3-D unity. I'm totally in the game with the exception of Lola, and they're making a move at the Peinte. It would be with them all well I would recommend the game. I ask developers to change the model of the Lola. (Your Vaifu trash) (but not worse than Sagiri)
Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
Product received for free Wolfestein, Nazi Muslims and Lolis What can go wrong? Last Anime Boy: Saving Loli is another of those games that shields its extreme mediocrity after the lie of being a ' joke ', but that of fun have little or nothing. The ' jokes ' of this game are the already recognized ' Allahu Akbar ' who shout the ' Nazi Muslims ' when he spotted the player, and the Lolis. These ' jokes ' related to the phrase Allahu Akbar are already so old and overexploited that they do not give grace, even more so when the appearance of this ' joke ' is summed up to the reproduction of a sound in which one can hear someone shouting the phrase and ready , that was the whole ' joke '. And the Lolis... Thus, it is summarized to a poorly made image that seems designed in Paint and that does not even seem human, limiting itself to reproduce a sentence when approaching them and taking them. Both the graphics and the gameplay remember the old Wolfenstein or Doom, but with a level so low that beyond inspiring them, gives the impression that seeks to insult them. It Is simply incredible the point of mediocrity to which they have carried such a simple concept. Everything is horrible to the eye, and the gameplay is heavy, having to move the mouse from one side of the desktop to the other to make the whole round in the game, because the sensitivity is low, which ruins what must have been a fast and chaotic gameplay. And Of course, this can't be changed. In Addition to the bad gameplay, then it turns out that the player is almost immortal, because the enemies (which also do not fail almost never) cause ridiculous damage, which worsens to see that there are hearts to recover life practically everywhere. In Short, this game is only recommended for those who want to die in a slow and painful way for some kind of mental illness. I sacrifice Myself for the good of the community, I hope that my efforts will not be in vain.
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