Last Knight: Rogue Rider Edition achievements

Batman Is Not Amused
Throw those bats like they were batarengs and hit some bright green glowing popping popculture baloney ballon things in the batcave! - Pop 10 mushrooms with bats. #Batareng
The Colossus of Bogussus
Find and reach The Colossus of Bogussus wonder of the world.
Rolling with a 100 Inches Boulder
The boulders you are rolling with are the biggest but you gotta make sure to show it to everyone while the beats are banging out your ...wait, just speed it up 3 times with your lance and don't mind any casualties it rolls over!
Heavy Bronze Medival Metal Medals
Finish all 3 Story mode campaigns with atleast bronze medals in all levels.
The Garden of Paradise
Find and reach The Garden of Paradise wonder of the world.
No More Questionable Quests Asked!
Complete all 35 Quests.
The Tree of Life
Find and reach The Tree of Life wonder of the world.
A Hat for each Head
Collect those hats and equip each of the 7 characters with a hat! Those hats need to be something else then the default ones. The hats have to be of randomly generated types. They can not be special extra hats.
Heavy Golden Medival Metal Medals
Finish all 3 Story mode campaigns with gold medals in all levels.
Death in the Inventory
This achievement is just here to document this embarrassing incident. Well, some people will insist that managing to do such thing is also a accomplishment.
Heavy Silver Medival Metal Medals
Finish all 3 Story mode campaigns with atleast silver medals in all levels.
Careful! Explosive!
Throw a mine bomb and then roll it for 100 knight feed without having it explode. Make sure to make it hop over obstacles and don't accidentally hit the ignite button!