Last Neko

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[Trigger Warning : if you have epilepsy, this is not recommended to play this game.]

This game has been made in two weeks time for the cat-boy/girl jam, meow!


Z/W to shoot. (Hold for continuous fire)
Arrows keys to move.
Hold Shift to move slower.
X to drop a bomb.

P to Pause.
Spacebar to confirm. (Menus)

PS4 Controller (windows version)

Left joystick to move.
X to shoot
Square to drop a bomb
Hold R1 to focus

Options to Pause.
X to confirm (Menus).

I'm getting pumped up! What is "Last Neko" ?

Dodge bullets! Shoot bullets! "Last Neko" follows the story of the last catboy in a world where catgirls and catboys have been enslaved or slaughtered since a long time under the martial law of the Half-Dog Empire. You play as Katz, the last of his kind, a catboy kid who wants to prove he has the right to exist. And maybe to save the remaining catboys and catgirls along the way.

Last Neko features:
  • Six levels of fast-paced action!
  • Six challenging boss battles!
  • Challenge and almost no dead time! If a moment is quiet, it is not really quiet!
  • Retro pixel art design, mostly made with the palette of the good old NES!
  • Chiptune soundtrack, made of 10 tracks!
  • A catboy who pew pew pew!
Last Neko does not feature:
  • Skill trees. The game is based on your skill and only on your skill!
  • Grind. You will probably die, retry, die and retry again. That's fine! That's how things are working with danmaku! Learn the patterns and feel your skill improve along the runs!
  • Complicated gameplay with tons of stuff to upgrade. Shoot, drop bombs, move forward!The only thing to upgrade is the knowledge of the game!
  • Royalty-free and third party assets. Everything has been done by one developer and handcrafter with love!
  • Fake difficulty. I worked the game design and iterated it a lof of times in order to avoid to do what you shouldn't do when you develop a danmaku. (that includes : color contrast between background and bullets, bonus drops hiding bullets, and stuff like that).
Self-confidence is the key Stuck? No problem, here comes the bomb! Last Neko has been done with:
  • Unity3d
  • Microsoft Visual Studio (langage C#)
  • FL Studio
  • Audacity
  • Aseprite
  • A lot of coffee and a lot of pizzas.
Dodge this and that! Note from le dev!

In the beginning, "Last Neko" was called "Neko Shooter". I am actually making this game for a game jam. Since this is my first game jam, it's kind of a challenge to me. I have to do a lot of stuff in very few time. And to top it off, this is the first time I am making a shoot'em up. And this is also the first time I am using Unity3d without a tutorial. So, no matter what comes out from this game, it is helping me to improve a lot! The goal is to make a game within three weeks, and since I'm happy with the results so far, I will surely be tempted to make a sequel, with more time to use, with more refined graphics!

Did you know?

I slghtly modified the plot of the game just after what happened in Alebama in order to protest.


Release date
Frelon-K Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for Linux

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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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