Last Rites (itch) (kris24)
This was made on a last-minute whim, so I had about 6 hours to throw what I could together.
BUG - the music overlaps if you get through the game before each song finishes.
ENTER to administer last rites for the plague victims.
FYI it's not possible to get to everybody; balancing was the last thing on my list :)
HISTORYIn the 14th century, the Roman Catholic Church was a central part of European life. As part of their role in the community, priests had the responsibility to visit every person near death to hear their final confessions, pray for them, and give them Holy Communion.
But when the Black Death began to sweep through the population of the continent, the Church was as unprepared to deal with the disaster as the rest of the world. In attempting to fulfill their responsibility of caring for the sick and dying, many priests and other religious fell victim to the plague as well. Others, in the face of incomprehensible destruction, abandoned their parishes and fled to save their own lives.
With so many of their number dead or missing, the Church was forever changed, as the hastily-trained replacements were generally perceived to be less scholarly and worthy of the extreme respect that the clergy had once held.
CREDITSAll content made by Kris24.
Made for the Historically Accurate Game Jam 2.