Last stand (kren3)
My entry for 22nd gamejam. Was supposed to be scary or spooky :)
mouse click - place summoning portal (costs 100 mana)
mouse scroll - zoom in
way-point keys - camera movement
Kill all the solders
Games is a reverse tower defense. You can place summoning portals across the map (if you have mana) that will constantly spawn minions. Minions will have to hit solders many times to defeat them. There is a time limit too, so place your portals wisely!
Game was made by entangling together many, many free assets, models and sounds. Also, loots of spaghetti code was produced due to insufficient time investment :). Due to a considerable feature cuts to catch the deadline game turned out kinda dumb. I didn't do much play-testing either :). There were supposed to be upgradable summoning portals, garrison toggling, multiple different minion types and solder promotions if/when they killed enough minions.
Oh well... at least its something!