Last Strike - Attack of the Drones
Welcome to Last Strike, a retro-style 2d side scrolling space-shooter.
You gain credits by shooting down enemies and can buy upgrades after each stage.
- 5 Missions with 3 Stages each
- 5 Bosses
- Multiple upgrades for main weapon
- Two upgradable secondary weapons
- Infinite Lives (no frustrating forced startover)
- Upgrades are not lost after dying (promised)
If you like this game, please check in regularly, I will provide updates (even additional content) frequently.
Thanks a lot for playing!
Save the Earth from the evil Drone Empire!
Controls only by keyboard, no mouse control
- Move cursor: Up/Down Arrows
- Select: "n"
- Move: Arrow keys
- Fire Primary Weapon: "n"
- Fire Secondary Weapon: "b"
- Toggle Secondary Weapon: "v"
- Pause: "Return" (In Pause screen, controls are as in menu, selection by "n")
Game Screen:
All Player Information is displayed at the bottom left of the screen.
- Health and number of Shields
- Currently selected secondary weapon and ammo
- Credits
Shop Screen:
The following upgrades are available:
- Primary Power: Increases damage of primary weapon (not of the scatter projectiles)
- Scatter: Adds two diagonally firing projectiles to primary weapon (second upgrade increases damage of diagonal projectiles)
- Gatling Gun: Increases rate of fire of primary weapon
- Homing Missiles: Adds a homing missile to primary weapon (second upgrade adds second missile)
- Health: Increases Player Health
- Shield: Adds a shield that absorbs damage and recharges slowly (each upgrade increases shield strength)
- Hvy Rocket Power: Increases damage of Heavy Rocket secondary weapon
- Mega Bomb Power: Increases damage of Mega Bomb secondary weapon (On first update Mega Bomb also destroys light enemy projectiles, on second update it destroys all enemy projectiles)
- Extra Rockets x10: Adds 10 Heavy Rocket Ammo (number after slash indicates max ammo)
- Extra Bomb: Adds 1 Mega Bomb Ammo (number after slash indicates max ammo)
Secondary Weapons:
- Heavy Rocket: An unguided rocket that flies straight until it hits a target. Explodes on impact, dealing heavy damage to target and moderate damgage to all other enemies in a small radius.
- Mega Bomb: Deals very heavy damage to every enemy on screen. Also destroys enemy projectiles when upgraded (see "Shop Screen" item "Mega Bomb Power").
- Idea and Programming: Ashardalon78
- Sprites:
- Background Images: Christian Obermeier and
- Sounds: