LD42 - Compo - Not Enough Space
I apologize for the music.
Walk - A,D or Left Arrow Keys,Right Arrow Keys
Jump - Space or W or Up Arrow (also there is double jumping)
Inventory - Tab
Dragging items - Hold tab and click and hold, until the item turns green, to drag it
Equipping weapons - Mouse Left or Right click any weapon to equip it in your primary or secondary hand. If a weapon is already equipped in that hand it will be swapped.
De-equip by pressing the weapon with with the mouse key that correspondence to the hand the gun is on.
Jump on enemies - You can kill enemies, at the expense of taking some damage, by jumping on their heads.
Shooting - Left click will fire your main gun and Right click will fire your secondary.
LD42: The goal was to make a a game about running out of space.
If you don't manage your inventory wisely you'll have a really hard time shooting as your screen runs out of space. Also dropping guns willy nilly will get you in a heap of trouble as you have to pick up any item that you interact with.