Legends of Astravia posts

Legends of Astravia's Demo releases on Steam next Monday, February 14th!
December 2021 Developer's Log - Year End Summary
Gameplay teaser - November 2021
Developer's Log - August 2021
Developer's Log - July 2021
Legends of Astravia - Battle System Preview
Legends of Astravia - Introduction
A screenshot showcasing the 720p res update
[Devlog] How it was done: Latest Screenshot
I had a few people ask me about how I pulled off the map in my latest screenshot, so I figured it was a good time for an instructional devlog!First, I start with a base map, created in RPG Maker XP. It allows for 3 layers, created traditionally with 32x32 tilesets: Base MapOnce I'm done with this, the fun part begins. I take a full-size "screenshot" of the completed map and put it in Photoshop, and begin adding some extra layers. First, I make a "doodad" layer, where I add extra details offset by the 32x32 grid. Below I dimmed the original layer so you can see how the details look on this.\"Doodads\" Parallax OverlayThen, I create another layer in Photoshop with "Subtract" blending. I use a hard brush to make the "leaves" and then apply a gaussian blur filter. The light beams are a little messy--but you get the idea.Lighting Fog OverlayThen, when all is said and done, I have a script in game that overlays these doodads and the fog to give the lovely ambient effect!End Result (Tada!)This is a powerful, but time consuming tool. It's important not to do it unless you're sure the map is done, otherwise you need to readjust the parallax overlays again and again.In a future update, I will be using this feature to create lighting for night time and vary the opacity over time to create a "day to night" effect!​A M B I A N C EThat's all for now!
Legends of Astravia, made with RPG Maker XP, has a new ~3 hour demo!
Under Construction
This will eventually be an official community for the upcoming indie game, Legends of Astravia. It is going to take me some time to get the community up to speed, so please mind the layout. I look forward to sharing the game's development journey with Reddit!