Average Playtime: 4 hours

Legends of Eisenwald

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The mysterious lands of old Germany are waiting for you - it's a land where the superstitions of the time have come to life. This isn’t a fantasy game. There are no elves or dragons here. There are only people - and their passions, sins and fears that often take a tangible form. Which path will you choose? Live according to your conscience? Or live by power and might? Or will you live by justice? And what is your justice, really?Game features
  • A unique and dynamic combat system - each move is also an attack
  • The ability to individually equip *each* fighter in your army
  • A large selection of weapons, spells and abilities, including the option to use mounted units
  • Diverse upgrade trees, and each unit level up provides cosmetic changes
  • An intriguing non-linear story
  • A distinctive game world without common fantasy cliches
  • Over 50 hours of gameplay within the game. A main campaign consisting of eight chapters plus two additional scenarios.
  • A beautiful symphonic soundtrack in a medieval style
  • An accompanying Scenario Editor with the full set of developer tools

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Similar to games like Disciples 2 and HOMM, there may be points farther into the game where you lose it all, troops, gold, inventory. All those things you worked so hard for. This is part of the game, not a bug. And you wont know when.... Be warned.
Release date
Aterdux Entertainment
Aterdux Entertainment
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: х64: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
  • Processor: 2 GHz dual-core CPU
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 1024 MB graphics memory, shader model 3 (Radeon HD 6670, GeForce GT 630)
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: Screen resolution 1280x1024; Dedicated video card required
  • OS: х64: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
  • Processor: 3 GHz quad-core CPU
  • Memory: 6 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 1024 MB graphics memory, shader model 3 (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 / AMD Radeon HD 6950 or better)
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: Screen resolution 1680x1050 or higher; Dedicated video card required
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Last Modified: May 13, 2023

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1 edit
Legends of Eisenwald Gameplay (PC HD)
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Let's Look At: Legends of Eisenwald!
Jan 17, 2014
Let's Play Legends of Eisenwald - Armored with Manly Destruction - Episode 1
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Legends of Eisenwald- Part 1
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Legends of Eisenwald Gameplay and Review
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I won't be anathematized, will I?
Burn the cathedral being consecrated into a crusader
We will take another road
After finishing Zmiter's quest in Trever, change a side in Rothwald
Defender of Faith
Be consecrated into a crusader
Cursed Jack
Defeat Cursed Jack in Cursed Castle map
Madonna of Mercy
Defeat the Kite
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Legends of Eisenwald reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
I like Dattle-based and old-school RPGs, but this Game couldn't captivate me, the negative Aspects just outweigh. In short, Gameplay and Story are medium to bad, so no Recommendation. The Interface is cumbersome, the Balance typically Eastern European always at the Pain Threshold and the Animations, both in Fights and on the Map (despite The Speed Setting), unbearably slow. The Combat System is the exact Opposite of dynamic, whereby I imagine some may find it particularly tactical-I find it flat and boring. Most Items only litter the Inventory. Due to the limited Usability And low Bonuses, the whole Piece of equipment Is only superficial fake complexity, although I do not know whether this will improve at Some point in the course Of the Game. The Story, Characters and Dialogues are simply mies, whether in German or English. Even if interesting Twists were to appear in the Story, they fell victim to the bad Style. And the Lore or the Scenario puts the Crown on the whole, with its vercier mix of pseudo-authentic Medieval Bonds, devised Swathes of land in the middle of real Lands and Fantasy Quatsch. Downright outrageous, as claimed in the Description: ' The mysterious lands of old Germany ... This isn't a fantasy game. There are no elves or dragons here. " As you can see in the Screenshots, there are Ghosts and Zombies. But this is probably not a Fantasy, but Survival horror! Either you make a medieval Story in a real Scenario or you craft yourself a Fantasy world and then you can do whatever you want.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
The Game has good Approaches and could have been really great-but this has not been successful. 1. The most annoying thing to mention is the Mapwechsel and the Healing System. Every time The Map changes, not only all Party Members are gone, but also all the Gold and all Equipment not worn by the Main Hero. So it's time to start again from scratch each Time and level and equip the Companions anew. The lost Gold is not so tragic, however, because after each Fight a Costly Cure in a Church is required, which makes saving on large Amounts of Gold impossible anyway. 2. I Also find the Quest system not very appealing. If I am wrong on the Map, because places specified in the Quest Description are not to be identified on the Map or I am sent several times over the entire Map in order to finally be able to Bring the Quest To a close after a felt 10 Hours. For a mostly pitiful Reward, that's very demotivating. 3. I think the Combat System in and of itself is good, but you can only fight if you have the appropriate Units. This presents one but the Problem that the Size of your own Group is sufficiently limited to 5 Units. Others can only be recruited if they are Mercenaries, who continuously demand large Amounts of gold as Maintenance. Without Mercenaries, however, you are quickly chanseless. 4. Finally, the "free" Opponents should probably also be mentioned. These spawn again and again at different Positions and quickly become so strong that I soon could not conquer them or I had significantly more Costs for the subsequent Healing than the fight of Prey gave me. It is Especially nice when these Opponents take Up settlements, of course only controlled by you and never the allied NPC, and thus decimate the SCARCE Gold revenues on a regular Basis. I have now played the Game for just under 8 Hours and will leave it at that.
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