LEGO Marvel's Avengers reviews

How can they ruin a follow-up title so badly?

Interactive objects react half the time with horrible hit-zones, badly depicted button actions (hold, press rapidly) and even wrong button prompts.

Enemies swarm you so much you can barely take a breather and on top of that require way too many hits to get down. Some characters hit animations and combos take so long you finish the action in front of a newly spawned enemy that just slaps you in the face.

Cut scenes and interaction with audio cut from the movies feels out of place and recorded in a distracting hall-echo mode.

Parts of previous movies are badly slapped in an amateur way just to fill up the content, which is too short anyway.

Even the overworld map has been ruined. Car driving is impossible now with slow turning angle and bad responsiveness. The minimap is a mess of dots.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
TL; DR: Buy, play, Have fun my first Impression After Playing vone "LEGO® Marvel's Avengers": So Far, I still don't know a Game series that can maintain its Level even after 10 + releases, neither "Call of Battlefield" nor "GTA" or "Made for Greed," which The only Exception is the LEGO® Titles from Tt. Once again, Tt Games lead us into the Marvel Universe, this time it's all about the Avengers. The Game offers 15 (?) Main Missions as well as eight free-to-walk Gamehubs that will be unlocked as the Game progresses. New York City, in particular, catches the Eye for its Size. Additional DLCs add missions and Characters from Agent Carter of Shield or Dr. Strange. The Game impresses with beautiful Graphics and a generally very good Playability (at least with the Gamepad), I have the Impression that the Control has been refined again a little, also the Camera guidance Has again been very successful. In Addition, some new Gameplay Elements have been added. LEGO® "Game Connoisseurs will find their way around this Game very quickly, as the Basic Features haven't changed much since" LEGO® Star Wars. " The Voice-acting is also quite OK, at least I think it's better than with "LEGO® Jurassic Worlds."
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Sooo for all of them I would like to say that I can only give the Game again as I perceived it or played it. I'll start best for what I Think are Pros: 1. Gameplay moderately, I liked the Game well new Tasks, missions, etc. 2. The Story has been given well again (Hab watched all the Movies of it I know what I'm talking about:D) 3. A huge Selection of Characters with Super Powers who are most very cool are 4. An incredibly large Openworld consisting of all the important Locations of the Films 5. The Prices of the Red Stones only too expensive 6th Funny Missions with small Insiders from time to time: 3 But as with virtually every Game, there are also negative Points for natural Whites: 1. The Cutscenes were very often tolerated by me so that I did not see the Characters 2. I didn't like the Character creator (too few weapons or Forces you can have and also Forces through the Faces of Figures (Example: Quicksilver) 3. I had to start the Game anew as an NPC has become buoyed (Tip: Reinstall and start other game score) 4. Relatively monotonous Missions from NPC (Examples: Find the People, Race or bulb up the Enemies) But I can get the Game big but really n Because It expands Recommendation because it has already gradually brought me a Joy. For Super Marvel Fan and People with patience a great Game that you can also play with your Friends.