Lemonboy & Laserdude
Play as Lemonboy and Laserdude
as you use your Playstation 4 controllers
to fight against each other!
Spit temporarily stops the laser
Hide behind cardboard boxesControl height to reach further
Destroy cardboard boxes
Destroy Lemonboys headpieces This game was developed by: Samuel Knüsel
(Programming, Modeling & Animation Laserdude)
Dana Senn
(Environment Design, Modeling & Animation Lemonboy)
Music by Eric Matyas
as you use your Playstation 4 controllers
to fight against each other!
This game is for multiplayer only.
Two Playstation 4 controllers are required in order to play the game
Spit temporarily stops the laser
Hide behind cardboard boxesControl height to reach further
Destroy cardboard boxes
Destroy Lemonboys headpieces This game was developed by: Samuel Knüsel
(Programming, Modeling & Animation Laserdude)
Dana Senn
(Environment Design, Modeling & Animation Lemonboy)
Music by Eric Matyas