Let's Fight! 3D Fight System
The system is demonstrated through a fighting game. This contains:
• Arena (gameplay area)
• Menu/UI
• Implementation of Let’s Fight! as the primary mechanic in the game.
The orientation-based input is based off three things.
- The rotational yaw, where the player is looking, Split into top, mid, low. 1D
- The directional input they are pressing, split into forward, backward, left, right and neutral (for no direction input). 2D
- The action. Attack, move, block, etc.
This is combined to produce one of 12 versions of that action producing a 3D result in the direction they are indicating. Each of these 12 move slots can be customized with a specific move to create new characters.
- F = Front
- L/R = Left or Right (usually a mirrored action to make either choice viable)
- B = Backward
Some techniques have the effect of charging the character’s orientation
- Attack
- Block
- Interact
- Jump
- Movement (or lack thereof)
- Cancel
States a character can be in:
- Neutral state (where a character normally battles)
- Sprinting State (currently in motion, has a limited set of actions and limited direction)
- Air State (in air. Has a unique set of actions to take)
- Grounded State (on the ground. Has a unique set of actions to take.)
- Block State (Will automatically block an attacks)
- Parry State (Will block based on conditions and retailiate)
- Grabbed State (You are in this state when held by something else)
- Holding State (You are in this state when holding something else)
- Reeling State (Someone who is stunned and cannot take an action)
- Dodge State (Character has invincibility frames)
- Cancel State (A transition state for self-interrupted actions)