Library of Babble (Demi)

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Deep within the computer, a library grows.

Wander through a gentle garden of words, an endless oasis of serenity. Discover the mumblings and memories of other storytellers, and be inspired to leave your own.

Best encountered over a warm mug of coffee (with your fondest cassette mix-tape ♫ ♪) and snuggled up on a cold winters morning, the Library Of Babble is an experimental prototype designed around smaller acts of storytelling and prose, and the wish for  more-intimate spaces of shared asynchronous communication.

               write small stories as you wander, and discover stories written by others

 In many ways, this game is a small recollection of my earliest internet moments. Of snuggling away to discover the sometimes strange and surreal communities that grew there, and how distant yet intimate it all still felt. 

So on that small footnote, thanks so much for taking the time to consider my game, and here's simply wishing you all the warmest on your journey 

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  • Navigate through the library using WASD or the ARROW KEYS, or by holding down the LEFT MOUSE-BUTTON and DRAGGING
  • Stories may placed by tapping ENTER at certain points, and written with a standard keyboard.


  • This game requires an internet connection to play.
  • This is first and foremost a space to explore gentle acts of storytelling and prose. Write with kindness and love, as instances of abusive or otherwise cruel language (misogynistic, racist, homophobic or otherwise) won't be tolerated and offenders may get permanently banned from publishing further content. 

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  • The Library Of Babble will release for Windows and MacOS on August 16th, Friday.  I'm a small indie developer with limited funds, and by pre-ordering you'll have simply all my love -  actively helping me to configure the servers toward anticipated traffic ♡
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Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for macOS

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Last Modified: Aug 12, 2019

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