Life of Slime Browser Demo
The protagonist, named Slami, runs away from his parents' house to his girlfriend, he gets tired of working in the fields and decides to quit everything and start living in the most developed slime city - Intown. Slimy, Slami's girlfriend, offers the hero a job, Slami agrees.
The game is a romp with elements of a platformer, 2D shooter and job simulator, you will have time to work as a cashier, security guard and police officer. Each segment has unique situations, slimes, and ways of interacting with the world.
A lot of different artists worked on the graphics, thanks to them pixel art style of Life of Slime looks great, you will enjoy every second of being in the world of slimes.
The composer wrote more than forty music tracks. They mix rock, 8-bit and Lo-fi, resulting in a unique sound you haven't heard before.