Light Switch (komehara, JRayane, lolio-dev)
Light Switch is a cooperative puzzle-platformer for two players.
In each level, both players must reach the exit door by using switches to toggle between the dark and the light world. Each world reveals different platforms and walls that can help or block the players on their way to the exit. A few platforms are permanent and exist in both worlds.
Only keyboard is supported, and the two players must share the two sides of one keyboard. Alternatively, one dexterous player may control both characters by using the full keyboard.
This game was released for Global Game Jam 2022 on the theme "Duality".
GGJ link:
Repository link:
Player character controls
The alternative controls are here to support both Qwerty and Azerty, as controls are not remappable.
Keyboard P2
Action A/D or Q/D
Left/right arrowMove left/right
W or Z
Up arrow
Jump or Enter door (when nearby)
Down arrow
Exit door (after entering)
System controls
Toggle fullscreen R Restart level
M Go back to Main Menu
- Elie Pernet (@Lolio): Game design, Level design, Code
- Long Nguyen Huu (@Leyn, hsandt): Game design, Level design, Code
- Rayane Nejdi (@JRayane): Game design, Art, Audio, Code