Lightwire (Early Demo)
Magic is real, and it is deadly.
Flaunting of the arcane has attracted abyssal monsters to this world similar to our own yet so different. You will take the role of a Lightwire operative, aided by your AI assistant Artemis to direct your soldiers to victory.
Each of your soldiers is armed with a deck of cards, demonstrating their abilities and skills in combat, from fighting to lowering the capabilities of your enemies to aiding allies. These decks will change and grow over time, as Artemis allows you to take cards from your enemies and add them to your own decks.
Will these become your allies? Your friends? Your enemies? This game will offer an in depth story exploring relations between your allies and enemies as they all fight their way through and for life.
Lightwire is in active development, and this is simply an early demo, so it will probably be very broken. However, there is more than enough to be interested in for now, and to get a sense of the game. If you're interested in following development, join our Discord server!: