Lil' Arena achievements

Let it Shine on You
Only those seeking to enforce Divine Justice are offered a chance to wield our Power Gems. Prove your sense of Duty to the High Order, and be baptized in Light from Head to Toe.Only those seeking to enforce Divine Justice are offered a chance to wield ou
It's time
Hello again, Little Soul. You made it this far, and now it's time to see what you are really made of. Let the true games begin.
Fields of Gray
Collect 5,000,000 Gray Essences from Normal Matches
Brick and Order
Besides being a symbol for peace, Clover also houses Delasphos's peacekeeping corps, the High Order. Each Faction contributes Soldiers to the High Order; enough that a balance of powers is preserved. It was agreed that the High Order should be powerful enough to protect any Faction from attacks of the other three, while at the same time not be powerful enough that all four Factions together would not be able to overtake it. Of course, some members of the High Order also take jobs on the side, mainly as Guardians in the Knights for Hire Federation. After the city is built, the other four Federations are planned to move their Headquarters here as well, although no one knows what the Assassins' will look like or where it's going to be. The Order and the Knights for Hire currently resides within Clover, as it is being built and have a symbiotic relationship with the Builders' Association ; one of the groups who benefitted most from this Treaty, as they were the sole contractors responsible for building an entire city. This steady amount of work, has brought many seeking to earn an honest living, despite of their origin. The result is a safe, grand city, home to people from all eight Tribes.
The Four-Leafed Clover
'Here reigns the King of Valnor, first of his name and leader of men.' This epigraph once stood on the entrance to Valnor, the old Human capital. The city held strong for 12 years, and served as a neutral place for negotiations throughout that time. Yet, on the 13th year, it was defiled.Sever Pott the Fourth, King of the Humans, tooks his own life alongside everyone else's by blowing up the city when negotiations for a Peace treaty went awry. When the four Factions agreed to the creation of a Peacekeeping force, Valnor seemed like the perfect place. Rebuilding a piece of the old world, shaping it like a four,leafed Clover to symbolize the unity, yet discreteness of the four factions, it would serve as a beacon of hope for a more fortunate future. That force was named the High Order, and was acknowledged by the Treaty as the fifth Faction, neutral to all, and tasked solely to keep the peace. As of year 48, the city is fully built, and its citizens (mostly soldiers, builders and their families) are eager to host the 10,year anniversary of the Clover Treaty.
Interesting..! It seems I was right about you after all.And now I can only wonder.. Will you.. Entertain me?
Total Annihilation
Defeat every opponent within 15 seconds
Member of the Cause
Prove yourself to the Five Federations of Delapshos, and attuned to their Fighting Style.
Getting Started
Yow, friend! You don't know me, I don't know you, but if you listen along, you might survive. We might even have fun. Or become friends. I hope we become fr.. *eek* sorry! I talk too much. Let's get you into the game.
The Vois
Nimelle might have acted fast in protecting us from most of the shockwave of M' Or's Soul Energy, but it still managed to scar Delasphos permanently.Many forest species died either to mutation or to the inter,species slaughtering that took place during the crazy decades following the War of Souls. Besides Dragonoids and Aaracocras, Vois were among the few that survived. We know little of these furry creatures and the relations they had with the original residents of Delasphos. Mainly legends of some 'Children of the Forest', described as playful, curious and inherently kind ; despite being natural,born pranksters. These children suffered a terrible fate during the War of Souls ; infected by M' Or's Soul Energy, and exposed to its residue for decades, they grew addicted to it.As time went on, the energy around their homes dissipated, leaving them hungry for a new source. That's when they grew irresistibly attracted to a powerful scent, and followed it from the forest all the way to the Dugen Icelands. The closer they got to the tundra, the harder it became to reach it, and many died in this migration ; yet a few finally reached a secluded mansion in the middle of this icy garden. There, they laid eyes on a beautiful hooded figure, that was beaming with more Soul Energy than they'd ever experiences. They knew they would never leave Nimelle's side again.
Thank you little Soul. You've grown past beyond anything I could have hoped. I've asked my Vois at Tall Guy Productions to create a proper reward for you.
All the Achievements!
Get all the Achievements, except this one. Cause that would cause an infinite loop.