Li'l Gungy's Big Day One Patch
In a small corner of the magical kingdom was Li’l Gungy.
Li’l Gungy had always dreamed of being a great adventurer.
But there was a problem.
Li’l Gungy wasn’t really very good at anything.
At least, not yet.
The Faerie Queen had seen them practicing Goo-rate in their bedroom and...
Maybe Li’l Gungy needs a li’l help.
Which is what these enchanted mushrooms are for.
And these cardboard cutouts.
Li’l Gungy is already a brave adventurer.
Hopefully someday they’ll be a good adventurer.
Fixed experience bar, added final boss, added a title.
Made using Free Pixel Art asset by edermunizz
Created by @fart_tornado, @kissesfingers and @heartpastels
Thanks Baldurk
System requirements for PC
Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019
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