Lil' Jones
Lil' Jones is a game where you take the role of a little explorer trying to make his way out of a temple. However, he has blowdart dispensers, pop-spikes, boulders, and other things in his way. This game was made for the GameBoy Jam with a color pallete of black, brown, red, and tan.
- Arrow Keys: Move
- Z: Shoot gun
- X: Use whip
- Shooting dispensers stops them from firing blowdarts
- You can use your whip and bullets to destroy blowdarts
- You can break pots using whip and bullets
- Breaking pots gives you ammo
- Spikes pop up and down every second
- Dispensers shoot every second
- A lower highscore is better than a higher highscore
Thank you for giving this game a try and if you don't vote for it, you're worth less than trash to me. But then again, that's just my opinion.