Linux Air Combat
LINUX AIR COMBAT is a free, open-source combat flight simulator for the LINUX community. Its roots came from the well-known "classic" flight game known as "GL-117", but this new incarnation has been extensively re-written and improved.
LINUX AIR COMBAT is also known as "LAC"
Escorting a heavy bomberJoystick and Keypad Controls. (Or just fly with your keyboard and mouse). If you don't have a joystick, use the "[" and "]" keys to control your throttle. Use your PC keyboard to control most flight functions. If you don't have a joystick, use the "[" and "]" keys to control your throttle.
For a short YouTube review of a beta-test version from late 2017, click this link:
For a comprehensive YouTube review of a recent version, click this link:
Now available for free Internet download, this high-performance flight simulator supports all of the basics demanded by today's LINUX flight sim users, including all of these features:
- Free and open source distribution. The clean source code compiles without modification on major LINUX distros
- Very smooth, simple, high-performance graphics yield high frame rates even on modest computer hardware
- 45 flight/view functions can be mapped to any detected joystick axis, button, or keyboard key
- Modern, multi-axis analog/digital joysticks support precision control of elevators, ailerons, rudder, throttle, etc.
- Mouse control of elevators, ailerons, and weapons for those lacking a joystick
- 54 different flyable aircraft from World War II
- A theoretical Jet fighter with performance similar to the General Dynamics F16
- Industry-standard "Air Warrior" style viewsystem is easily configurable for other view options
- Sophisticated flight model with stalls, high-speed compressibility, high-G blackouts, and redouts
- Realistic high-altitude degredation of engine performance
- Fuel consumption is proportional to engine load including WEP/Afterburner effects
- Flight performance is degraded when lugging heavy bombs, missiles, or rockets
- Flight performance is degraded when aircraft are damaged
- Simulated RADAR to help locate opponents
- Enemy airfields and RADAR facilities can be damaged or destroyed
- Simulated IFF to help Identify Friend verses Foe
- Guns combat
- WW2-era Air-to-Ground rockets
- WW2-era bombs
- Missile combat (only when flying jets)
- Flares and Chaff operable as missile countermeasures
- Free flight mission
- Four tutorial missions with detailed audio narration to help beginners get a quick start
- Five Offline combat missions
- Online "Head to Head" mission suitable for air racing or combat (2 players only. No server required.)
- Free, high performance Linux Air Combat Server is now available at
- Three distinct, ten-player Internet missions in various terrains, with strategic airfield combat (Internet and access to a free LAC Server required)
- Users can record "GunCamera films" and ask the Server to replay them as persistent "Server Missions"
- 32 distinct, online Realms, each supporting unique missions and/or communities
- Realm "0" constantly runs persistent Server "Strike" missions with heavy bombers to escort, or to oppose
- User-loadable graphic aircraft models support the free, open, well-known ".3ds" format
- User-loadable background music, sound effects, and narration files support industry-standard ".wav" format
- "Talking Cockpit" can verbalize target location so you can hear it without diverting your eyes
- Innovative "Network Router Panel" on cockpit shows network telemetry and comms data flow from other players
- Best-of-breed network user management with interplayer status messages on the cockpit panel
- Powerful integration with "Mumble" for world-class voice communication between players
- Dedicated Mumble server manages a rich heirarchy of voice radio channels and online help
- Automated radio messages verbalize enemy airfield status when Mumble Radio is properly tuned
- 16 Comms-related functions can be mapped to any keyboard key
- Text-only, low-bandwidth comms option acts like a "Morse Code" radio, generating real Morse code
- Airfields with defensive guns challenge nearby opponents and protect nearby allied aircraft
- Airfield defenses can be damaged and degraded with bombs, rockets, missiles, and/or machine guns
- Damaged airfield defenses are gradually repaired by surviving airfield maintenance personnel
- Air raid sirens blare loud on damaged airfields
- Bombers have autogunners that take shots at nearby hostile fighters
- "Norden" bombsight emulation makes precision, medium or high altitude bombing possible
- Realistic bomber climb rates: Heavily loaded bombers need a long time to climb to altitudes high enough to avoid fighters
- Realistic bomb-run tactics make heavy bombers vulnerable to opposing fighters during critical mission segments
- Heavy bombers can destroy an airfield in a single sortie if well flown and undamaged by opposing fighters
- Real-time, automated radio and RADAR warnings alert players when their airfields are threatened by strategic bombers
- Online users can choose their own unique "CommunityHandle" name, and see the names of other players
- Log file stored on the player's computer keeps a detailed history of all online victories
- Supported by an active development team for bug fixes