Literally out of Place
You where just chillin on Place... but then a meteoroid knocks you out of Place, so you need to get back in Place, be careful though there is a asteroid field in the way
CONTROLS: Left and right arrows to move OR A and D to move
bugs: there is supposed to main menu when you load the game up that shows the meteoroid hitting Place but it isn't there ): and text gets overlapped by asteroids
things I would like to add/change: sound effects, music, smaller goal ,35km is way longer than i thought and better spawning system of the meteoroid's
this game is for the completion game jam the theme was: Out of Place. I joined the jam with 1 day and a half of time left also this is my 2nd game jam game and game in general
sorry for the lazy theme idea, I couldn't think of anything that wouldn't be too complicated for my small brai- I mean... my current knowledge of coding and stuff.