Little Pronoun Monsters!
A few observations I was able to gather regarding the first 32 pronoun monsters.
This game is my personal take on Adam Saltsman's Nanodex.
I reused Adam's background textures and color palette, but the sprites and writing are my own.
Make sure to check out the original game in case you haven't already!
[1] Adam Saltsman, "The Nanodex".
[2] Limuy Asien, “Promons: What We Know So Far”.
[3] Hélène M., “An Ethological Study of Digital Promons in Virtual Spaces”.
[4] Marie D., Coline M., Jean B., “Gotta try them all! On the Role of Promons in Subjective Experiences of Gender Questioning”.
[5] Catherine C., “Promons, Gender and Identity”.
Notable Promonologists:
Stephen Statler, bloodmachine, Foxxhoria, HexRae, ellis dex, Cymech, PRINCESS INTERNET CAFé and LoAvis.