Little Timmy's Gonna Die

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Little Timmy's Gonna Die

A game made for the LTGD Jam.

Little Timmy's Gonna Die is a short horror game about Timmy trying to sleep in a haunted house. Help Timmy put his room back in order and get rid of the ghost so he can sleep. 

The game is a bit cryptic when it comes to the rules but the best practice is when a sound is heard turn on the lights. When something is extremely close or getting closer to Timmy he'll need to hide under the covers. Many events will need you to click on or hover over to get rid of them. Some events require you to do all these things in order for Timmy to sleep. 

Click on the lamp to turn the lights on.

Click on Timmy to hide under the covers.

The game is played entirely with the mouse. You can press the ESC key to go back to the main menu.

Trail and error is how you learn this game. 

There are 4 difficulty settings. The difficulty effects how fast Timmy sleeps. Get his sleep meter to the top to win.

Some Spoilers Ahead

Each event requires you to interact with it, Timmy, or the lights in some way. 

Here's a list of all events and how to handle them. 

  1. Random Noises - Some noises don't change the room and instead just scare Timmy. Deal with these by turning the lights on so Timmy knows it's safe.
  2. The Red Ball - The ball will roll to the other side of the room. Deal with this by turning the lights on and holding the left mouse button and staying hovered over it until it has returned to its origin. Don't let it get to the far right wall. 
  3. The Hand under the Bed - The monster under your bed will try and grab Timmy. To deal with it hide under the covers until it has gone away.
  4. The Blood Trail - Gross. Hide under the covers with the lights on until the blood has vanished.
  5. The TV - Who has the remote. While above the covers and the lights on click on the TV. If the TV breaks just turn the lights on again. It's just in Timmy's imagination.
  6. The Door - Timmy was hoping it was his mom but she doesn't come around anymore. With the lights on click on the door. 
  7. The Clown - Worst birthday gift ever. If the clown is armed click on him with the lights on. Do this quickly and make sure the lights are on. If for some reason you fail to do this Timmy will need to hide under the covers. As we all know knifes can't hurt you while under the covers. After this if the clown is not back by the door simply hold the mouse button and push him back in place.
  8. The Clock - Sometimes it breaks. Just hover over it until its the correct time again.
  9. The Basketball - Timmy didn't know ghost liked playing basketball. Simply turn on the lights until the ball has returned to its place.
  10. The Chair - The chair made a loud noise when it fell. Click on it with the lights on so Timmy can go back to bed.
  11. The Balloon - What was that! Turn on the lights so Timmy can calm down.
  12. The Painting - Who drew that? While the lights are off click on the painting to remove the delusion. If you don't it may become reality. If that happens hide under the covers until it decides not to eat Timmy.
  13. The Teddy Bear - Hiding under the covers and rapidly clicking the stuffed animal is the only way Timmy will be able to fall asleep after witnessing his friend be decapitated. 
  14. The Skateboard - The ghost can do kickflips. Click on the board while the lights are on to tell the ghost to go play outside.
  15. The Guitar - Classic horror sound track is not a good lullaby. If you hear Timmy's guitar being played turn on the lights and click on it so Timmy can sleep.
  16. The Closet - If the closet opens click on it to close it. But if something walked out while the door was open then Timmy will need to hide before you close the door. If you fail to do this the monster in the closet will try and eat Timmy. If this happens Timmy will need to hide and wait for the monster to get bored and go away. 
  17. The Crate - Timmy never puts his toys away. But if the ghost put their victims in Timmy's crate then you will need to turn on the lights and click on the crate to remove them.
End of Spoilers
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Little Timmy's Gonna Die screenshot, image №3532848 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Aug 22, 2022

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