Lock the door

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Have you closed the entrance to your nightmares? 

The real fear of a kid can surge in a lonely night after noticing a mysterious creature that could put end to her life, the trails of blood and light rooms could mean dead, and her expectations of living are low, but maybe there is a way, finding the three hidden keys all around the house, needing to expose herself into danger, in order to lock herself in her room and being able to survive the night.

Be terrified while playing this indie-suspense game, Would you be able to help her?

I did it as a solo developer and I would really appreciate your support, thanks fot playing  and if you want  you can rate the game

my instagram if you wanna follow my dev log


This game was made with the theme of the 50 days horror jam but it was an idea that I had wanted to do before but that I had only put on paper, so I took the opportunity of the revival jam to bring my idea to reality  and as I had a long time before the delivery date I decided that once the project was finished I was going to polish it more so there are some screenshots of what the game was like :)

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Not rated

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Last Modified: Nov 2, 2020

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