Lofi Beats to the End of the World
You guide a young student through a desperate studying session the night before a fateful exam. Will he be able to balance his academic goals with the pressures of family and maintaining a social life?
Will any of this even matter once the city is bombed to smithereens? Fully hand-drawn, with original art and animations, Lo-Fi Beats is a comedic text-based/hybrid game brought to you by HidethePain Studios, a bunch of broke uni students and hermits.
This is a very short game made in 48 hours for the 2020 BC Game Jam, with a few minor kinks ironed out afterwards. We apologize for any remaining bugs... :^)
- Exso
- HikaruRen
Environment, Character Art, Menu, UI
- Cloudkourin
Sprites, Animations, Panel Art, Icons
- Lit-ly
Writing, Addl. Design
- SmallCritter
- Nanoneko: Study music
- Scott F. Thompson: Title screen music, addl. assets
- Addl. SFX from https://www.zapslat.com/