Lone Pilot (Alien Kat)
Note: The HTML build doesn't have the scrolling parallax background for size reasons, but should still run the same as the downloadable build.
Your capital ship has been destroyed in an ambush by Alliance scum. Millions of miles away from home and surrounded by an army of enemy ships, you have no chance of surviving. Make them pay, destroy as many enemy ships as you can and go out in a blaze of glory!
- High scores and letter ranking
- Multiple types of enemies
- Powerups and Lives
- an ENDLESS amount of enemies
Ranking :
- S - Farthest I've gotten
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
WASD - Movement
Space - Shoot
Shift - Particle Beam
- The energy shield will protect against enemy projectiles, but not against crashes or particle beams.
- The particle beam can clear projectiles and most ships .
All music by Spring