Lonely Chess
Lonely Chess
It's chess. But you only have one piece. You can change the type of your piece from a Pawn (8-Direction movement) to a Knight (L-Shape Movement, jumps enemies) to a Bishop (Moves diagonally but cannot take enemies)
Click to select a square, click again to move to it. Use keys 1, 2 and 3 to change your piece or click on the button at the bottom. Move on top of an enemy to take it. Take all enemy's to continue. Taking a King will take all enemies.
PRESS SPACE TO SKIP THE LEVEL IF YOU GET STUCK (it's a bit buggy and the levels are not tested properly)
Made with the Godot Engine
Art in Paint.net and Piskel
Sound effects made in Bfxr
Font used is Keep Calm by Keith Bates