Loop ♻
- Colin Bellino: programming, art, design ( https://colinbellino.com )
- Romain Huc: programming, audio, design ( [email protected] )
- Romain Huc: Not the best theme idea we ever had, but we manage to make something nice of this 3 days !
- Colin Bellino: Finding a good idea we could execute in 3 days was hard but overall it went well !
- Unity (game engine): https://unity3d.com/
- Aseprite (pixel art): https://www.aseprite.org/
- Streamlab (streaming): https://streamlabs.com/
- Astar Pathfinding Project (Ai pathfinding): https://arongranberg.com/astar/
- SFRX (sound effects generator): http://www.drpetter.se/project_sfxr.html
- Ecrett music (music): https://ecrettmusic.com/
- Love Bug (font): https://chevyray.itch.io/pixel-fonts