Looping Aliens
Looping Aliens is a Space Shooter/Exploration game in which you are stuck in a 15 minute time loop. In that 15 minute loop you must destroy 5 Power Crystals. Each crystal is hidden in a planet. If you destroy a crystal you are sent back to the start of the loop, then you got to destroy another one. Once you destroy all crystals, you must defeat the alien leader. To enter a planet, just fly into it.
The game was made for the Black and White Game Jam with the theme of Loop. The game jam page can be found here. I had a lot of fun making this game, and hope you enjoy it!
And special thanks to my friend Horus who helped with the backgrounds.
ControlsWarning! ESC WILL quit to title.
Quit to TitleESC Assets I used
I used the Space Music Pack by Goose Ninja.
Changes that I know will be made after the voting period- Holding down the Shoot button will auto-fire.
- BG music will be turned down a little bit.