Loose Leaf (Althea Francisco)

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Loose Leaf tells the story of a handful of inept high school friends coming to terms with their last semester together. They avoid the thought of graduating through a series of mini-games including starting up an illegal gambling ring and fighting god.

Initially explored through 3 thematically different prototypes in a Game-A-Week intensive drawing from my own bittersweet experiences.

High School Was A Breeze!: A simulation inspired by bored class drawings visualising the drifting detached sensation, emphasised through soft body physics, against overwhelming social and academic expectations. The protagonist was supposed to have an anchor-like mechanic, allowing interaction that will ultimately completely ground them.

Chemistry: A looping visual novel immortalising my memories of a sun-kissed chemistry class and a sleeping friend. I wanted to explore this relationship through small snippets of this afternoon class and encourage audiences to fill in the gaps.

Last Lunch: A role-playing game that celebrates the mundane. Find your friends before lunch ends whilst being constantly interrupted by Pokemon-inspired silly random encounters - including a boy you like. Other interactions that were cut include stealthily hiding from your teacher and fighting your way to the front of the canteen line.

Currently in development 

Release date
Althea Francisco
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Mar 3, 2023

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