Loot Retrieval Squad

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Start a Quest -> Collect the loot -> Upgrade your characters -> Pick another quest -> Repeat

Loot Retrieval Squad is a DnD combat inspired turn-based strategy game, with the main goal of collecting loot to complete quests. Killing enemies drop coins, and once you’ve collected enough loot for a quest, you can use the loot and money collected to upgrade your characters as you move on to the next quest.

Limitation: Collectables

Theme: There and back

One of the characters, Pyp, uses a boomerang as her weapon which fits in with the theme as you shoot the boomerang away, and then recall it back to the character. 

You start each quest at the quest board and go off into the map to do the quest, once you finish the quest you back to the quest board to select another quest, and you once again go back to the same map to complete that quest. Hence going there, to the map to collect loot, and back to the quest board for a new quest.

For the collectibles, the main objective of the game is to collect loot scattered around the map in order to complete a quest. You can also collect coins that drop after killing an enemy. The player can choose to ignore the enemies and focus on collecting the loot to complete the quest.


in the quest selection board screen, the quest have a similar layout to NES controller. D pad on the left, buttons A and B on the Bottom right. Put in the konami code and a purple quest will spawn, triggering a special boss fight.


Programming, designing - Anson W.

Character, menu art - Kaitlyn

Art created by Kaitlyn:

  • Characters and enemy sprites and animations
  • Loot and backpack
  • Character sheet
  • Compass
  • UI and main menu
  • Request board and papers

Assets Used

sfx and music - Retro Music Pack - https://jdbartist.itch.io/retro-music-pack

sfx - sfxr, DrPetter - http://www.drpetter.se/project_sfxr.html

Tilemap for the map - CyberPop - Interior Tiles, MalibuDarby - https://malibudarby.itch.io/cyberpop-interior-tiles

Pixel Effects - Pixel Animations And Effects, Finalbossblues - https://finalbossblues.itch.io/pixel-animations-and-effects

Font- PressStart2P-vaV7, codeman38

A* path finding - https://arongranberg.com/astar/

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Sep 28, 2020

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