LOTR Gacha
This project is a prototype made in 2019 for a Game Design class project.
We had to create a game concept with specifications and a protoype with the aim of promoting an upcoming The Lord of the Rings TV show.
We had the idea of creating a gacha using popular characters from The Lord of the Rings and adding many updates with new missions and new characters, including an update with characters from the TV show when it comes out.
First of all, you must unlock characters using the "Recruter" button. You have 5 gold coins at the start of the game, each letting you unlock a new character, or improving a character that you already possess.
Then you have to create your team using the "Choix Équipe" button. Click on a black square (or a character if you already set one) and then the name of one of your unlocked characters to add them to your team.
When your team is made, you can go back to the main menu and choose a mission.
During a mission, each playable characters has three stats you have to look at :
- The HP, which are written on the far right side of the HUD. If your character is out of HP, it dies and you can't use it for the rest of the mission
- The Attack points, which are represented by the green bar, when the bar is full, your character can attack. Choose a target among your enemies
- The Special points, which are represented by the orange bar, when the bar is full, your character can use their special technique. Click on your character's name on the HUD to use it. Some characters have a technique that targets an enemy so you'll also have to choose an enemy.
In order to win, you have to defeat every enemy character.
Game Design : Gaëtan Piou, Joffrey Ziegeltrum
Programming : Gaëtan Piou
Art : Joffrey Ziegeltrum