Average Playtime: 9 hours

Love & Sex: Second Base

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Mike is a young code monkey in a big company, even surrounded with beautiful girls his love life is in disarray.
His high school sweetheart cheated on him and his latest flame is dating on of his friends.
Will you be able to help him find love and avoid the pitfalls of dating life or will he end up alone and unhappy?

Bree is a college freshman, penniless and a bit socially awkward.
Help her find a job and succeed in her studies to become a successful woman or lead her down a dark path of drugs and devauchery.


Love & Sex: Second Base is a free roaming dating sim where a geeky guy or girl (hopefully you) gets to be be roommate with two very hot people and meet plenty of others in their daily life.
The player has the choice of taking on the role of either a guy or a girl and meet a whole cast of unique and memorable characters along the way.

The aim of the game is, bascially, to get lucky with the partner of your choice, meeting, dating and (of course) getting it on in a host of different places, situations and positions.
You can keep it casual, ask for their hand in marriage and even get them pregnant, while being either the perfect partner, or cheating on them whenever the chance arises.
To do this, you'll need to build your stats, know your conquests and play the game like a pro.
The game is structured around a year of 4 months/seasons (summer, autumn, spring, winter) of 30 days with holidays, the protagonist and prospective dates have a birthday and can react accordingly with the calendar.

But remember, they can react to each other and if the player is two timing he can get in trouble, the game has a date and a phone systems so you can invite girls and guys to dates, ask their numbers and send them dirty texts.

Mike (our hero) and Bree (our heroine) live in a small house and work boring jobs, but during the course of the game they have the possibility to improve their lot in life.

Each girl/guy has his/her own schedule and will be in different places at different times, dressed differently and choose different activities, when the hero meets a girl/guy he/she can talk to her/him, give her/him gifts, compliment her/him, ask her/him on dates, ask her/his number or her/his birthday...

Basically, their lives (and love lives) are yours to control!


  • Date, get lucky & get married
  • Partial voice acting
  • Seasonal and day/night cycles
  • Pregnancy & birth control
  • Needs and stats system
  • Harem endings


  • Close to 1 million words of story
  • 500+ events
  • 200+ activities
  • 100+ full screen CG
  • 50+ items
  • 50+ locations
  • 15+ dateable characters to get lucky with
  • 10+ dating spots
Release date
Andrealphus Games
Andrealphus Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for macOS

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: 1.8GHz Dual-Core CPU
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Integrated graphics
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Nov 9, 2024

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1 edit
Polyamory's the way
Get married with both Bree and Sasha
First kiss with Audrey
Kiss Audrey for the first time
First kiss with Alexis
Kiss Alexis for the first time
First kiss with Kylie
Kiss Kylie for the first time
Lexi's hot coffee
Have fun with Lexi for the first time
view all achievements
38 items

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