Lovely Anemone

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Salena's ex-girlfriend hurt her in ways she never knew were possible. She's pretty sure the break up was a result of her being asexual. Now Salena's afraid to commit to another relationship and has lost confidence in herself. She still wants a girlfriend, but is  refusing sexual intimacy a deal-breaker? That's when she accidentally finds herself falling in love with another girl, but is afraid to come out to her.  At the same time her ex-girlfriend pleads for her forgiveness and wants her back. What will she do?

Warning** This game contains mature themes and some nudity 
(You have the option to censor the nudity before playing).  

Rating [OT] Older Teen

Made by Kino from Luscious Studio 

The game is short but has a variety of menu options that leads to different 5 different endings and has over 20 cutscenes

NOTE** There is a bug in the gallery where 1 image is missing I am trying to figure out how to fix that.  Keep an eye out for patch updates below the download links. 

If you find any typos,  bugs or just want to give us private feedback
 please submit them here.

This game was made for ace jam

Release date
Luscious Spirit Studios
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for macOS

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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