Low Level (THumbert)
A submission for the r/SoloDevelopment Winter Game Jam.
Year 2045
AI has taken hold of all infrastructure in order to control mankind. There are many communities fighting back against the AI control.
You will need to use an aircraft made before the takeover to resupply these communities. You can avoid their radar by using terrain masking and terrain following techniques.
- Pitch: W, S
- Roll: A, D
- Yaw: Q, E
- Boost: Shift
- Flares: F
Stay close to the terrain to avoid being picked up on radar.
Use canyons and other terrain features to mask your radar signature.
"Lockheed AC-130" (https://skfb.ly/onXMY) by RolandoGarroMena is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).