In the spirit of old school computing, you will find a pdf manual to download below.
We came to really enjoy the little time it takes to load, and the short second it takes the software to compute every input we write. It gives us the opportunity to think back on how the machine works, and how amazing it is what's it's able to do.
We made the game using Graphic Adventure Creator, a tool for creating adventure games created by Sean Ellis in 1986. We ran it on the VICE emulator, created by the VICE Team who keep it up to date since 2006.
The game is running on your browser thanks to rjanicek's VICE.js, which is an implementation of VICE emulator that uses javascript.
Tribute to Sean EllisGraphic Adventure Creator is a wonder of programming, created mainly by only one person ! The legend says that Sean Ellis coded the engine in assembly (!). We have learnt that he recently passed away, and would like to pay tribute to him. Some amazing people have organized a donation to The Brain Tumour Association in remembrance of him. Remember all the great minds who create our gaming history. Thanks !