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Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
"Luna Sky" is a classic, fairly fast 2D platformer.
Luna awakens. She doesn't know who she is or where she is. In a strange World. It is important to find the Way out.
Okay, the Story is pretty wope. In The End, we have to pick up a certain Number of white Circles, then a Gate opens to the next Area and moves on. In Between, thankfully, there are still quite a lot of Checkpoints. On certain Surfaces you have to pay attention, pink Crystals are deadly, blue slippery and green ones hurl us up. At the Gates to new Areas, we occasionally get Improvements such as faster Running or Double Jump, with which we can not only master the new Areas, but also reach areas of old Areas that previously seemed unattainable to us. . So The Whole thing is also more of an Exploration Game than a hard-hitting Platformer.
In itself, no bad Concept in a thoroughly atmospheric Setting. However, "Luna Sky" has fundamental Problems: The Game seems like a Mix of a console platformer and a Flipper. This is realized not only by the often curved Level design, but also, for example, by surfaces that seem like Slingshots. Stupid only that our Character is practically the Ball in this Scenario. And just like a Ball in the Pinball, we are only partially controllable (even with Controllers). The spongy control allows us to create the right Angle of impact for the Slingshots. In Addition, our Luna tends not to stop immediately after a Movement, but still to move easily. For Precision Leaps, such a Vehicle is rather obstructive.
A key Point about a Pinball is that you have the whole Device in View. At "Luna Sky," despite the adjustable Zoom Level, we see only a very small Part and Jumps often go blind somewhere.
The fact That certain Areas can only be reached with the Skills to be acquired later may be a nice Idea on Paper. But This is fruitiful, because these Areas are not recognizable. So You don't know if you're just not making a Jump because you're too clumsy or because you don't have the Double Jump yet.
Graphically, Worlds and Backgrounds are quite nice and handsome. But our Character is one of the most ugly things that has ever populated the Screen. Also Nicely that for each Level a separate, atmospheric Music has been created, but if it is constantly opt-free, it does not contribute much to a round Gaming Experience. Rucklers also appeared, but were rare.
Rating: 6/10 Atmosphere 3/10 Story 6/10 Graphic 6/10 Sound 4/10 Game Mechanics 5/10 Balancing 5/10 Game Pass Verdict: In itself nice platformer, but with basic game-mechanical Problems.
5/10 Overall Rating