MACHINA (Harry Alisavakis)
MACHINA is a turn-based tactical game that incorporates random elements in both the environments and the available actions. You take control of an A.I. that is aiding a human through multiple levels and is making sure they stay alive for their ultimate goals.
CONTROLS- Left click to select
- Right click to rotate skill pattern
- A/D or Left/Right to rotate camera around the environment
The controls are thoroughly explained in the first dialogue segment of the game.
CREDITS- Art/Coding/Music:
Harry Alisavakis
- Attributions for SFX audio files which have been heavily modified and used in the project:
- There are known bugs especially with the level generation as it is pretty random and does not ensure paths will always be there.
- The game is pretty unbalanced and therefore can be pretty hard, but I think it’s worth it to try and make it to the end. There’s only 3 levels with 3 waves each.
- This is obviously not a complete thing on its own but it serves as a proof of concept for a type of game like this.