mad veggies
It’s winter, time to plan our future garden to get the best harvest possible!
mad veggies is a puzzle game about interactions between vegetables. Some interactions are inspired from irl gardening, and some are made up to add some challenge ;)
mad veggies is a puzzle game about interactions between vegetables. Some interactions are inspired from irl gardening, and some are made up to add some challenge ;)
- Title screen: Click on a button
- Level selection: Click on ? for tutorials and o for levels.
- Puzzle: Drag the veggies in the grid and find a solution to make them all happy!
- Level editor: Type your name, create a level and click on save level. It is possible to load any level to see its solution.
- yopox: code (CLion 2022.3, Rust, Bevy), graphics (Aseprite), levels
- jmen_balec: music, sounds effects (Ableton Live)
- you?: custom levels
Triple click on a code to select it:
- @yopox:
- vicortie:
- <SmsWaDt}X#+AMVEkGMbyW9Z!!CKGBSG$YlB?Hn+i*C:.AbA|;EA^DK7qB`D#(P/iCVAB
- @icalm:
- @maxededo:
- OuTA{tMo3ZQY,($L1HK",B/IAD:AnzC
- @sdelay:
- :d@QoDhz$A8B!mUEU
- @wouter52:
- Ah@F8CIuuW/B+>TDnDDzU