Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Microsoft from Russian
This game, as I recall, was a bonus to the Z.A.R. drive. More precisely, on that CD was the demo of this toy. At least I don't remember the initial cosmic epic I played now. The action on that demo began immediately in a spaceship. By the Way, it was a good decision, because I was somewhat drowned by a space shooting gallery. And when I was a kid, I wouldn't play like that. However... But that's not the point. And the point of my little retki is that I just wanted to share the joy that a similar game from my youth came out on Steam. That's cool. I Took this product for nostalgia.
No recommendation. The Game is specific and its buyer-it is the same as I am a nostalgic gambler.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
Who doesn't remember Madspace, back 20 Years ago. What? No one remembers view? All right, then that will probably have a Reason.
Boring and ugly render sequences in 256 Colours, a rails shooter without any Feedback-and then all of a sudden your Ship explodes and the Game (which runs in Dosbox) crashes. I didn't come up to what you see in the Screenshots (FPS?!?). Today, you really don't Need any more. If you want to play Classics, play Doom or Quake, for everyone else there is much better today.
And I didn't hear anything from the advertised "High Quality Redbook CD Audio," even if a CD ISO can actually be found in the File System.
I got this Game from the Groupees Badass Bananas Bundle.
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Microsoft from Russian
Game Features:-title: "Madspace: To Hell and Beyond";
-issue: 1997.06.01;
-Developer: "Maddox Games";
-Graphics: "2.5 D" (semi-three-dimensional);
-Genre: Shooter (from 1st person), Rail (first).
Gameplay Features:-style: Oldschool;
-The plot is submitted between episodes in the form of video;
-saving at any time;
-World: Corridor-Arno (Neevklidov geometry levels);
-Health is not regenerated;
-No protection;
-Mana is not regenerated;
-There is no limit on the portable weapon;
-the character can simultaneously use 2 different weapons, fly;
-The character is not able to squat;
-Traps: acid; Lasers Press Exploding wreckage of slain enemies;
-Interactive Environment objects: Buttons for activating locked doors and various mechanisms;
-Bonuses: blue balls to replenish health; Yellow balls to replenish mana; Patrons
The Innovation introduced by the game in its genre:-The geometry of the levels became Neevklidov;
-the character was able to simultaneously use 2 different weapons.
IMHO: One of the few Russian shooters of the 90s ("Old Gold" (1995); "The Dungeons of the Kremlin" (1995); "Distemper" (1996); "The Revived Dead" (1997); "Madspace: To Hell and Beyond" (1997); "Z. A. R." (1997); "Parkan [1]: Chronicles of the Empire" (1997); "Liquidator [1]" (1998)); Logical tasks became even more difficult due to the non-Euclidean geometry of levels, that is, the character through different entrances of the same room could get as if in different rooms.
Rating: 5/5
P. S.: The shooter is little known, but undeservedly.