Welcome to maelstrom.exe.
This game will only require a keyboard to play.
The 9 tiles in the middle are your garden, with coordinates a1 through c3.
Your goal is to advance the flood that will submerge the world of Man. Do this by planting crops, feeding them, harvesting them, and then sacrificing them to the rain sprites.
The available commands are as follows:
plant <coords>ex. plant a1 a2 a3 b1 b2 b3 c1 c2 c3This will sow a random seed at the position.
Use ls to check available seeds.feed <coords>ex. feed a1 a2 a3 b1 b2 b3 c1 c2 c3harvest <coords>ex. harvest a1 a2 a3 b1 b2 b3 c1 c2 c3sacrificeNo parameters are necessary.
All your harvest will be consumed,
advancing the deluge.invCheck what you've harvested.
This will be consumed with the
sacrifice command.lsCheck what plants you may sow.
As you sacrifice, more become available.timePrints the time.waitPasses one <coord>Describes the plant at the coordinate. muteToggles audio from 0% → 50% → 100%helpPrints these commands.outofcontrolSecret!
You may specify multiple space-separated coordinates to operate on.
Tiles will deplete and must be fed every day.
Hit the up arrow to go to the previous command.
Thunder - Recorded by Mike Koenig -
Distant Thunder - Recorded by Mike Koenig -
Rain Drips - Recorded by BohemianCelticGal -
Rain - Recorded by idomusics -
BGM: Wistful Downpour - Recorded by me & my guitar :)