Magic matchstick reviews

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
So, I want to write a review on this is not afraid of this word MASTERPIECE of the gaming industry. Me this game hooked up with its original idea, matches and math, what could be better? Let's start in order. Main Menu: This minimalistic style fits very well into the atmosphere of the game. Choice of levels: Ooo yes how nice to press the selection button between level A and level B. It is a Pity that it is impossible to convey in words what sensations I experience while watching on stars around the digit, in the choice of levels. Sound: Perfectly matched sound for a game where you have to think, the music really relaxes and does not cut the ears. Gameplay: Although monotonous, but when you move the match on the contour, you realize that you want to play this game again and again. Graphics: There is no word grabon in this game does not hurt any game AAA class. Plot: In This game, the ordinary person may seem that the plot is not, but it is... The Game tells you that you are nothing compared to the creator, because if it were not for God, there would be no whole land, there would be a man who invented a match, which can not only create fire, but also to shift it. Thus developing their mental abilities. Let's summarize. This Game I recommend to everyone who wants to know the biblical theory of human origin. This game sneaks to the bone, and when you pass the level, you reach the highest degree of comfort. My Score: 10 Biblical matches out of 10
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Magic Matchstick-A game that has a good idea and the worst performance. She Represents the puzzles with matches. I Think everyone at school had a similar one. Here is bad everything, namely: 1) Musical accompaniment: Well It does not fit in the given puzzle. It needs something calm and relaxing, not energetic. If It was a runner, yes, the music would be in the subject. Even though I'm lying to someone. It would be sick and tired of it. 2) Background: A Ruffle background that merges with matches. This is not the first game that has this problem. On Other people's mistakes should learn. But This is not the case. 3) Visual component: All crooked and Maximum pixel. And sat down these pixels to take into account together with the background-that in general all Vyviglazno. 4) Different languages: "Why make a button in the menu that will change the language from Russian to English, if you can just straight on the levels to write at once in both languages?"-thought the author of this creation, after which he untied the descriptions of the levels in two languages at once. 5) Gameplay: A Game with matches that cannot be moved 90 degrees. You can't, Carl! How could you do that? I think this is the biggest minus in this game. 6) Achievements: I Pass the levels, but I notice that the Achivki do not fall. I was in a discussion where I noticed a man who had the same problems. He was told by the developer that the Acachivki give for the mini-game in the main menu. Thanks to this I noticed that there is even a mini-game there. Clicked on these sticks with a ball-nothing happened, but the Achivki began to fall just like that. Okay. By the Way, the achievements fall even when the game is minimized. I liked It. I would Like to point out that the developer of this puzzle answers the questions of players, not igorite as some. For this I want to express to him respect, but, alas, the evaluation of the game does not affect. Do not recommend to buy if You want to play a puzzle. And If you need komplite for 2-3 hours of AFC-you can discount. More truthful reviews, the information in which is not sucked out of your finger, You can see by subscribing to the Curator.