Magical Adventure (itch) (Tawfeeq Irshaidat)
A puzzle based game mixed with adventure feeling in the jungle, your character has the ability to switch colors but be careful! Switching back to a previous color kills you!
- Hold [T] to enable switching wheel then hover over and click on the desired color.
- [E] to pick up objects
- [Q] to drop objects
- [F] to use color's special ability
Color's special abilities:
- Red: Punch [F]
- Blue: Swim
- Green: Grows a wild vine [F]
- Orange: Can pick up rocks [E]
- Yellow: Double Jump
- Grey: Supervision [Hold [F]]
- Rainbow: Combination of all the special abilities
1. Tawfeeq Irshaidat (Lead Director/Programmer)
2. Advgaming (Programmer)
3. Zap Arts (Artist)
4. Tar Bunny (Artist)
5. Vinjinichi (Artist)
6. CM69Time (Composer/SFX)
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Aug 1, 2022
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