Magical Girl Storms the Castle
A girl is on her way to storm a castle when she and her friends are attacked by goblins! She is the healer of the group, but her friends are trained soldiers.
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Move using WASD and use magical abilities with 1, 2, 3 or h, j, k
- 1/h = Cure Wounds (single target)
- 2/j = Mass Cure Wounds (many targets, in range)
- 3/k = Healing Beam (single target, concentration)
buttons labelled with XBox controller in mind, see directional notes
Move : L-Stick
Cure Wounds : A-button (south)
Mass Cure Wounds : B-button (East)
Healing Beam : X-button (West)
Navigate Menus : L-stick or D-pad
This game was made for Ludum Dare 47 "Stuck In A Loop", Compo