Magical Police
Magical Police Girl Maylee fights against the villainous Marine and her minions.
Enjoy a short 2.5D platforming romp through a city and then a highway car chase ... Will you catch the villain?
* 3 Cut-scenes with voice over by the wonderful SSGuillo \
* 5 exciting music tracks by Himeko Katagiri
* 1 Challenging platformer level
* 1 wacky action packed chase scene level
Team Credits:
2D Art: pixitales
3D Art: Syrup
Programming / Level design / story : pixitales, invadererik
Music: himeko_katagiri
Voice Over: SSGuillo
Occasional design help: nsuperrata
Third-party Credits:
FEEL by more Mountains
Some free sounds from Pixabay
GUI Pro Kit by Layer Lab
E2Chart by Ice Pond Studio
Ink by Inkle Studio
Cartoon FX Remaster by JMO Assets
DOTWEEN by Demigiant
Polygon City - Low Poly 3D Art by Synty Studios
Shader Graphs MToon for URP VR by simplestar
Midjourney was used for some placeholder art, all to be replaced.