Magical Sword Girl
An action third person sword fighting sandbox.
You can set them up to whatever you want using the controls window !
But here are the defaults for keyboard:
* Mouse moves the camera and scroll zooms
1) You can toggle between fighting & non-combat mode by sheathing and unsheathing your sword ( by default this is set to right mouse button)
2) In fighting mode you have your sword out and you can't run, but you can use Shift + WASD keys to do a quick dash/dodge. In non-combat mode you can run with Shift.
3) You can attack with left mouse button and in combat mode you can switch between different types of sword strikes (4) by pressing Q to shuffle through them or 1,2,3,4 keys to directly select them. Note that the attacks do not align perfectly with the shown paths because ( #1 they are working on upper body only and #2 they are blending with the idle animation )
4) Attacks are actually physics based, so you can hit swords and shields and these will bounce the sword/arm. This doesn't mean that if you hit a sword or shield you wont get a strike, since a part of the sword might still hit something.
5) The health bar on the left bottom of screen: if it runs out of red, you are dead. You can restart from options menu ( Escape key)
6) You can also crouch (c) , jump (space-bar), defend(x),
Some Info:
I set out to build a semi realistic sword fighting in third person game for the jam.
I'm working on a bigger project that requires it and I hadn't gotten to it since I had mainly been working on art. I figured the jam is a good opportunity to push the project forward, so I grabbed some random character model I had bought on a whim/sale earlier and started hacking away. This character choice would then put me on a path of making the jam game in a classic looking fantasy setting.
I mainly had many grand ides about how the sword play should work and really not much of a story or anything else. There was supposed to be a good chunk of magic powers, but I cut it. I spent most of the jam making a nice Character Controller, I think it came out well. There are a bunch of bugs regardless. I also wasted a lot of time on making the character look nice and some physics things behave. Clearly there is a lot left to do to make this good/fun.
I'll probably port this work back into the bigger project, so I probably wont update this beyond the jam.
Anyway, sadly there is not much of a game, it mostly ended up being a mostly empty sandbox island with a few little fights. I suggest you stay on the paths, there is no secret thing hiding on the island, if you can't find anything else to do, that's because I ran out of time and that is all there is to it.