Magical★Sakuya: Iridescent Love
It's a story about ostensibly gay girls.
Entirely mouse controlled
Tips (if stuck):
- You have to lose!
- Keep your heart guage low by using abilities at the right time. Otherwise, they'll go off on their own.
- Enemies will use a special ability when their heart is full.
- Dagger attacks will not penetrate shields.
This was created in 72 hours for the fourth Touhou Fan Game Jam. Play the other games!
Credit to external assets:
"UI, Mechanical, Text-Scroll, 03, FX, 01, LOOP.wav" by InspectorJ ( of
"Twinkle Whoosh and a Twang" by fredzed
"Retro video game sfx - Explode" by OwlStorm
"Laser Shot Silenced" by bubaproducer
"1_Knife_Slash_A.wav" by lmbubec